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Tools & Software

Below is a growing list of tools and software I or others have found useful with regards to living with complex dissociative disorders.

PluralkitMember profiles, message proxying, switch trackingDiscord Bot, Web DashboardFree
TupperboxMember profiles, message proxyingDiscord Bot, Web DashboardFree
Simply PluralMember profiles, switch tracking, communication, pollsiOS, Android, WebFree
LighthouseJournal, CommunicationWebFree
Antar ChatCommunicationiOS, AndroidFree
TwiNoteCommunication iOS, AndroidFree
DaylioMood trackingiOS, AndroidFree, with paid subscription for additional features
FinchSelf care, mood trackingiOS, AndroidFree, with paid subscription for additional features
BearableSymptom trackingiOS, AndroidFree
Mood PatternsSymptom tracking, mood trackingAndroidFree with paid subscription or one off payment for additional features
TreesheetsData organiserWindows, MacOS, LinuxFree
miMindMind mappingiOS, Android, Windows, MacOSFree, with paid subscription for additional features
Draw.ioMind mapping, floorplanning, other diagramsWebFree